Wednesday, September 7, 2011

September Sanity

Another year has officially begun at MHS. After a wonderful summer of family vacations and day trips around the state I must say I am loving the routine again!  This week will get us started with classroom setup and then Hurston's novel is the first one we dive into.  I brought home a Florida state map and marked the novel's locations so that will be fun (for me!) to reference.  Wish I would have thought to actually visit Eatonville while we were in Orlando, but maybe next time. 

My goals this year are to include much more technology with my students including blog posts, videos, phone polls, and some new online study tools we have available.  I'll be introducing the social issue research paper to my seniors after a 5 year hiatus and I admit I'm excited about that, as only and English teacher can be!  And in addition to the class novels, kids will be responsible for two additional novels from a given list of classics so I'm sure that will prove to be challenging as well. 

Needless to say, my ambitions are high and my calendar is laid out.  So here we go again!

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